
So far we’ve seen the basics of PlusCal as well as how to run a model. We’ve also seen that if our starting variables are specified as belonging to a set, it expands the state space that TLC can search. This takes us most of the way to writing useful specifications. The last step is to add divergent behaviors: allow the system to do different things at a given step. In a single process PlusCal algorithm, there are two simple ways to introduce concurrency: a with statement and an either statement.


either looks a lot like a basic if statement. The syntax is as follows:

end either;

The important thing is that TLC will run every branch. When it encounters an either, it creates a separate behavior and executes a different branch for each one. For example, given:

variables x = 3, i = 2;
while i > 0 do
    x := x + 2;
    x := x * 2;
  end either;
  i := i - 1;
end while

The inner loop will happen twice. Each time the model can either add two or double x, meaning that there’s four possible end results:

graph TD; A[3] --> B[5] A --> C[6] B --> BB[7] B --> BC[10] C --> CB[8] C --> CC[12]

Will the following code pass or fail?

  assert TRUE;
  assert FALSE;
end either;

Fail, as the second branch can fail. Since a spec only passes if every behavior passes, one behavior failing means the entire spec is broken.


with does the same thing, except instead of creating a new behavior for each possible branch, it creates a behavior for each element in the set. In this case, we have three possible behaviors:

with a \in {1, 2, 3} do
  x := x + a
end with;

This creates a separate timeline for each element in the set.

graph LR; e["end with"]; with ---x1(x+1); with ---x2(x+2); with ---x3(x+3); x1 --- e; x2 --- e; x3 --- e;


Specify a system with three flags that can be on or off, as well as can change the state of a flag.

Right now we’re a little limited in what we can practically do, but we can already start constructing simple patterns. Here’s one way to write this in PlusCal:

---- MODULE flags ----
(* --algorithm flags
variables f1 \in BOOLEAN, f2 \in BOOLEAN, f3 \in BOOLEAN
  while TRUE do
    with f \in {1, 2, 3} do
      if f = 1 then
          f1 := TRUE;
          f1 := FALSE;
        end either;
      elsif f = 2 then
          f2 := TRUE;
          f2 := FALSE;
        end either;
          f3 := TRUE;
          f3 := FALSE;
        end either;
      end if;
    end with;
  end while;
end algorithm; *)


This isn’t the most optimal way of writing it, but I wanted to showcase both with and either here. You could probably use just the either. BOOLEAN is a TLA+ builtin and is equal to the set {TRUE, FALSE}. As you can see, every step this picks a single flag and either sets it to true or false. Fairly simple, if cumbersome.

How many possible behaviors are there after three loop iterations? Keep in mind that distinct behaviors can have the same end state.

There are 8 initial states. On each loop, the model chooses one of three values and takes one of two actions with it, for a total of 6 paths per loop. So after three loops there are 8*6^3 ~ 1800 behaviors. However, there are only 8 possible current states: most of the behaviors lead to a duplicate outcome.

To give a better sense of where we’re going, here’s how we could write it instead, once we’re more comfortable with the language:

---- MODULE flags ----
(* --algorithm flags
variables flags \in [1..3 -> BOOLEAN], next = TRUE;
  while next do
    with f \in DOMAIN flags, n \in BOOLEAN do
      flags[f] := ~flags[f];
      next := n;
    end with;
  end while;
end algorithm; *)


The flags \in [1..3 -> BOOLEAN] bit is called a function set. We’ll be covering it later.