Beyond the basic four types in TLA+ (number, string, boolean, model value), there are two ‘complex’ types. The first we’ve already used - that’s the set. The other is the function. Functions form the basis of all the ‘practical’ complex types, so we’re going to spend some time on them. Fortunately, the theory is pretty simple.
The word ‘function’ can cause a lot of misunderstanding. They are not similar to functions in other languages- that’s operators. Instead, functions are closer in nature to hashes or dictionaries, except that you can choose to programmatically determine the value from the key. There are two ways to define a function:
Function == [s \in S |-> foo]
Function[s \in S] == foo
Here, foo
can be any equation, and can be dependent on s
. Other than that, you have near-complete freedom. For example, you can use an infinite set:
Doubles == [n \in Nat |-> 2 * n]
Or multiple variables:
Sum == [x, y \in S |-> x + y]
You call a function with f[x], just like tuples and structs do. That’s because tuples and structs are functions! Specifically, tuples are just functions where the domain is 1..n. One consequence of this is that TLA+ is essentially structurally subtyped. If you write Squares == [n \in 1..100 |-> n * n]
, then Squares
is also by definition a sequence, and you can use sequence operators on it.
Similarly, you can write DOMAIN F
to get the set of values F is defined on, and the Range(F)
operator we wrote also works for functions.
Write an operator that takes a string (tuple of characters, here) and returns the number of occurrences of each string token.
Counter(str) == [c \in Range(str) |-> Cardinality({n \in 1..Len(str) : str[n] = c})]
Often we’re less interested in a specific function than we are functions of a particular type. For example, we might be interested in any Caeser cipher. Since there are 26 such ciphers, it’s simpler to specify the set of all corresponding functions and pull an arbitrary one from that set. The syntax for this is
SetOfFunctions == [A -> B]
That generates every function which maps an element of A to an element of B. A and B must be sets or expressions that evaluate to sets.
and ->
are different. This is going to mess you up at least once. Use |->
when you want one function that maps the domain to a specific range. Use ->
when you want the set of functions that maps the domain to the range.
S == {1, 2}
[s \in S |-> S] = [1 |-> {1, 2}, 2 |-> {1, 2}]
[S -> S] = {[1 |-> 1, 2 |-> 1], [1 |-> 1, 2 |-> 2], [1 |-> 2, 2 |-> 1], [1 |-> 2, 2 |-> 2]}
Since each side is a set, you can use normal set expressions on them.
For a given p in People and a in Animals, p either “like”s them, “hate”s them, or are “neutral”. What is the set of all possible relationships between people, animals, and preferences?
There’s a few ways to do this. First, we could chain two function sets.
Pref == [People -> [Animals -> {"like", "hate", "neutral"}]]
For pref \in Pref
, we would call it with pref[p][a]
. We could also use a set of structures:
Pref == [[person: People, animal: Animals] -> {"like", "hate", "neutral"}]
This tends to be very awkward, as we end up having to call that with pref[[person: p, animal: a]]
. Finally, we could use a tuple:
Pref == [People \X Animals -> {"like", "hate", "neutral"}]
We would call pref with pref[<<p, a>>]
. I’ve personally found this to be the least cumbersome, and its the way we’ll be writing multivariable functions going forward.
EXTENDS Sequences
gives you the Seq(S)
operator, which gives you the set of all sequences with a range in S. Unfortunately, you can’t actually use this operator, since it will crash TLC. So let’s make some better versions. First, write an operator that returns a tuple of N copies of a set. For example Op(S, 3) == S \X S \X S
Tup(S, n) == [1..n -> S]
Now write an operator that returns all sequences with a range in S of length n or less.
Seq(S, n) == UNION {[1..m -> S] : m \in 1..n}
In most cases where programmers think of using “functions”, operators are actually more applicable. Operators are generally more powerful than functions. For example, you can define an operator over all subsets of the integers, but you can’t do the same for functions. Additionally, you cannot use functions as invariants. In general, if you want something to take arbitrary inputs, use an operator.
What makes functions useful is that you can define them over a finite domain and a finite range. In such a case it’s assignable like any other variable. This, combined with set operators on the sets of functions, vastly increases the power of your specifications.
As one example, recall the code we write to simulate the three flags:
(* --algorithm flags
variables f1 \in BOOLEAN, f2 \in BOOLEAN, f3 \in BOOLEAN
with f \in {f1, f2, f3} do
f := ~f;
end with;
end algorithm; *)
This is cumbersome. What if we wanted to extend our system to have 20 flags? What if we needed another with
? A better way is to realize that if every flag is going to be a boolean, we can then just write a function mapping flags to booleans:
(* --algorithm flags
variable flags \in [1..20 -> BOOLEAN]
with f \in DOMAIN flags do
flags[f] := ~flags[f];
end with;
end algorithm; *)
What if we wanted, as part of our initial preconditions, that no more than half of the flags were true? Since sets of functions are sets, we can use standard maps and filters on them. One way of writing this would be:
HasMoreFalseFlags(flagfunc) ==
LET TrueFlags == { f \in DOMAIN flagfunc : flagfunc[f] }
IN 2 * Cardinality(TrueFlags) < Cardinality(DOMAIN flagfunc)
variable flags \in {
flagfunc \in [1..20 -> BOOLEAN] :
The TLC module provides a “Sort” operator, which takes a sequence of numbers and returns, surprisingly enough, the sorted sequence. This is done in the implementation layer, though, because sorting with the TLA tools is surprisingly tricky.
First, write an operator that determines if a sequence is sorted or not.
IsSorted(T) == \A x \in 1..Len(T):
\A y \in x..Len(T):
T[x] <= T[y]
Next, we’ll need a concept of permuting a sequence. The easiest way to that is to first create a permutation of its domain, and then map that over the original sequence. Start by writing an operator that takes some number n and returns all permutations of <<1, 2, ..., n>>
PermutationKey(n) == {key \in [1..n -> 1..n] : Range(key) = 1..n}
Next, write an operator that takes a sequence and returns the corresponding permuted sequences.
PermutationsOf(T) == { [x \in 1..Len(T) |-> T[P[x]]] : P \in PermutationKey(Len(T))}
Now write an operator that takes a sequence and returns the sorted sequence.
Sort(T) == CHOOSE sorted_tuple \in PermutationsOf(T) : IsSorted(sorted_tuple)
Note this solution involves generating all N! permutations of the sequence, which is why the TLC operator outsources to Java.